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Join "Industry Academia Interaction Program" Organized by V.M.S.B. Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun in association with Softpro Group of Companies, Lucknow



Softpro India provides best-in-class online course on CORE JAVA, ensuring comprehensive understanding and mastery of the language. With expert instructors and a well-structured curriculum, learners gain hands-on experience through Online Courses. This program covers fundamental to advanced topics, equipping participants with the skills needed to excel in the field of Java development. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your Java skills, Softpro India's CORE JAVA course is designed to meet your learning needs and career goals.

You will Learn:
Java basics, OOP, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, exception handling, multithreading, collections, generics, I/O streams, networking, GUI, and JDBC.

5/5 Ratings
900 trainees from 250+ Colleges

Globally Accepted Certificate
Curriculum by Experts
Designed by Experienced Industry Experts
Self Learning Material on Polyprep
Zoom Application
30 Hours
+91 70808 12070



Senior Consultant
Experience 15+ Years

I'm Brijesh Mishra, Senior Consultant at Softpro Group of Companies. Welcome to our Industry-Academia Interaction Program. In this Program, we’ll dive into the core concepts of Java, exploring its fundamentals and applications. This program aims to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and industry practices.

Thank you for joining us. Let's make this an enriching and productive session!

Why Enroll for Core Java course?

The average salary of a java developer ranges from $70,000 to $120,000 per year in United States - indeed.com

Java holds a substantial share in IT companies, prominent in enterprise software, web development, Android apps, and big data solutions.

Java is considered evergreen due to its enduring popularity, widespread adoption, strong community support, and continuous evolution.

Course Curriculum

  • Evolution of Java
  • Java Features
  • Installation of JDK
  • Setting the path of java compiler in path system variable
  • First Java Program
  • Use of Scanner and BufferedReader class in Java
  • Input and Output in Java
  • Exercise on Input and Output
  • Interview Questions on Input and Output.

  • Flow Controls in Java
  • Decision Controls
  • If, If-else, Nested if-else, Ladder If – else
  • Switch
  • Loop Controls
  • While loop
  • For loop
  • Nested for loop
  • Do-while loop
  • For-each loop
  • Exercise on decision controls and loop controls
  • Interview Questions on decision controls and loop controls

  • Concept of array in Java
  • Declaration, Initiation and Initialization of array
  • Use of Multidimensional array
  • Use of String class
  • Built-in functions of String class
  • Use of StringBuilder class
  • Difference between String and StringBuilder classes
  • Exercise on Array, String and StringBuilder
  • Interview Questions on Array, String and StringBuilder

  • Concept of Function in Java
  • Concept of function call and return
  • Static and Non-static function
  • Types of function calls
  • OOPS Concepts
  • Access Specifiers
  • Private, Protected and Public
  • Concept of Class and Object
  • Exercise on Function and Class
  • Interview Questions on Function and class

  • Concept of Constructor
  • Use of Final Modifier
  • Types of Constructors
  • Inheritance
  • Types of Inheritance in Java
  • Examples on Inheritance
  • Exercise on Constructor and Inheritance
  • Interview Questions on Constructor and Inheritance

  • Polymorphism
  • Types of Polymorphism in Java
  • Method Overloading
  • Method Overriding
  • Rules for Method Overriding
  • Difference between Method Overloading and Method Overriding
  • Exercise on Method Overloading and Method Overriding
  • Interview Questions on Polymorphism

  • Exception Handling in Java
  • Exception
  • Types of Exception (Compile Time, Run Time, Error)
  • Use of Try, Catch and Finally
  • Use of Throw and Throws
  • Difference between Throw and Throws.
  • Concept of Interface
  • Examples of Interface
  • Exercise on Exception Handling and Interface in Java
  • Interview Questions on Exception Handling and Interface

  • Concept of Abstract class.
  • Difference between Interface, Abstract class and Concrete class.
  • Concept of Multithreading
  • Thread Life Cycle
  • Examples on Multithreading
  • Exercise on Multithreading
  • Interview Questions on Multithreading

  • Concept of Package
  • Type of Packages.
  • Advantages of Package
  • Compilation Process
  • Execution Process
  • Concept of Nested Classes
  • Use of Nested Classes
  • Static inner classes
  • Anonymous inner classes
  • Exercise on Packages and Inner Classes
  • Interview Questions on Package and Inner Classes
  • Introduction of Collection Framework
  • Need of Collection
  • Collection API (the classes and interfaces)
  • The methods of Collection interface
  • List Interface (the Array List, Linked List, and Stack classes)
  • The Iterator and ListIterator
  • Set Interface (the HashSet, LinkedHashSet classes)
  • Exercise on Collection Framework
  • Interview Questions on Collection Framework
  • Map Interface (the Hashtable, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, classes)
  • The Comparable and Comparator interfaces
  • The TreeMap and TreeSet classes
  • How Collection Framework is used in industry (the real Project
  • Development)
  • Exercise on Collection Framework
  • Interview Questions on Collection Framework
  • Banking Solution Project Module


    Softpro Group of Companies is a cluster of companies working in multiple domains like Software Development, IT Trainings, Research and Designing. Our goal is to become a world-class company with long term success.


    If you need immediate assistance or have any further questions, feel free to call us at given number below and you can also send me a mail on the given mail id.

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