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Join "Industry Academia Interaction Program" Organized by V.M.S.B. Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun in association with Softpro Group of Companies, Lucknow



Softpro India provides top-notch Online Course on Machine Learning, featuring expert instructors and hands-on projects. Participants gain deep insights into ML algorithms, applications, and real-world implementations, ensuring comprehensive skill development for future-ready careers in AI and data science.

You will Learn:
Python Basics, Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence, ML Fundamentals, Data Science, Numpy & Pandas, Random Forest Classifiers, Decision Tree Classifier, Neural Network etc.

5/5 Ratings
900 trainees from 250+ Colleges

Globally Accepted Certificate
Curriculum by Experts
Designed by Experienced Industry Experts
Self Learning Material on Polyprep
Zoom Application
30 Hours
+91 70808 12070



Experience 5+ Years

I'm Subrat Tripathi, Consultant at Softpro Group of Companies. Welcome to our Industry-Academia Interaction Program. In this program, we'll explore the fascinating world of Machine Learning. This program is designed to bridge the gap between industry and academia, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Together, we'll dive into cutting-edge concepts and practical applications of Machine Learning, enhancing our understanding and skills.

Thank you for joining us in this exciting journey of learning and collaboration. Let's make the most of it!

Why Enroll for Machine Learning Course?

The average salary of a data scientist is $144481 per year in United States - indeed.com

Roles like Chief Data Scientist & Chief Analytics Officers have emerged to ensure that analytical insights drive business strategies - Forbes

According to the Economic Times, 11.5 million data science jobs will be created globally by 2026

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction to Data Science Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence
  • Introduction to Deep Learning & AI
  • Deep Learning: A revolution in Artificial Intelligence

  • What is Deep Learning?
  • Need for Data Scientists
  • Foundation of Data Science
  • What is Business Intelligence?
  • What is Data Analysis?
  • What is Data Mining?

  • What is Machine Learning?
  • Analytics vs Data Science
  • Value Chain
  • Types of Analytics
  • Lifecycle Probability
  • Analytics Project Lifecycle
  • Advantage of Deep Learning over Machine learning
  • Reasons for Deep Learning
  • Real-Life use cases of Deep Learning
  • Review of Machine Learning

  • Numpy & Pandas
  • Learning NumPy
  • Introduction to Pandas
  • Creating Data Frames
  • GroupingSorting
  • Plotting Data
  • Creating Functions
  • Slicing/Dicing Operations.

  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning & AI using Python
  • Introduction
  • ML Fundamentals
  • ML Common Use Cases
  • Understanding Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Techniques

  • Implementing Association rule mining
  • What is Association Rules & its use cases?
  • What is Recommendation Engine & its working?
  • Recommendation Use-case
  • Case study

  • Decision Tree Classifier
  • How to build Decision trees
  • What is Classification and its use cases?
  • What is Decision Tree?
  • Algorithm for Decision Tree Induction
  • Creating a Decision Tree
  • Confusion Matrix
  • Case study

  • Random Forest Classifier
  • What is Random Forests?
  • Features of Random Forest
  • Out of Box Error Estimate and Variable Importance
  • Case study

  • Highly Efficient machine Learning Algorithms
  • Bagging Decision Trees
  • The Power of ensembles
  • Random Forest Ensemble technique
  • Boosting - Adaboost
  • Boosting enesemble stochastic gradient boosting
  • A final ensemble technique

  • Introduction Model Tuning
  • Parameter Tuning GridSearchCV
  • A Second method to tune your Algorithm
  • How to automate machine learning
  • Which ML Algo should you choose
  • How to compare machine learning Algorithms in practice

  • Neural Networks Introduction
  • What is deep learning
  • What is one hot encoding
  • How to implement one hot encoding
  • How to handle missing values
  • How to impute missing Values
  • Introducing the MNIST dataset

  • Programming a neural network in tensorflow
  • Programming a neural network-Multilayer perceptron in tensorflow

  • Introduction to keras - a convient way to code neural
  • What is a convolutional neural network
  • How does a cnn work

  • Creating a convolutional neural network from scratch
  • What are RNNs - Introduction to RNNs
  • Recurrent Neural Network rnn in python
  • LSTMs for Begginners - Understanding LSTMs
  • Long short term memory neural network LSTM in Python


Softpro Group of Companies is a cluster of companies working in multiple domains like Software Development, IT Trainings, Research and Designing. Our goal is to become a world-class company with long term success.


If you need immediate assistance or have any further questions, feel free to call us at given number below and you can also send me a mail on the given mail id.

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